The Procurement Solution for Speed, Quality and Compliance

The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) is a national cooperative for education purchasing with agencies located in 31 states. Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance and its affiliated construction services company WTI are proud to be an AEPA-awarded vendor of roofing and weatherproofing solutions.

Here’s how it works: AEPA contracts are competitively bid per each state’s legal requirements, available statewide and facilitated by one cooperative member agency. The bidding and purchasing process is streamlined through a single locally and nationally recognized solicitation. Contracts are often available in non-member states through “piggyback” contract options.
Procuring your roofing and weatherproofing projects through the AEPA cooperative contract is:
- Competitive – All work is publicly and competitively bid within each state based on local bidding regulations. AEPA’s collaborative purchasing expertise ensures that contracts are legal, safe and bid law compliant per individual state requirements.
- Efficient – Projects are expedited because the bid process has been completed, which streamlines the typically lengthy procurement process. Often, projects can begin in as little as 30 days, as compared to the typical 90-120-day startup time.
- Convenient – You will deal with a single source for all phases of your project, including discovery, programming, design, construction and commissioning. Through the AEPA contract, WTI/Tremco assumes complete responsibility for your construction project’s development, execution and follow-up.
- Budget Friendly – Established line items and guaranteed maximum pricing eliminate surprises so you can stay on budget.
- High Quality – Only proven, high-quality local contractors and sub-contractors who have been evaluated on compliance, capability and experience will work on your project.
Available Literature
Tremco AEPA Capabilities Brochure
Indoor Air Quality Answer Book for Schools
AEPA Contractor Network for Customers
AEPA Contractor Network for Contractors
Cooperative Purchasing FAQ, Ohio
Minnesota & South Dakota AEPA-CPC
Pennsylvania & New York AEPA-KPN (K-12)
Pennsylvania & New York AEPA-KPN (State/Local)
Benefits of Cooperative Purchasing Flyer
How to Protect Your Roofs and Building Envelopes this Winter
Success Story
Cooperative Purchasing Success Story: KCDA
Learn About Using ESSER Funds for School Facility Improvements
AEPA/KPN Pennsylvania Customer Testimonials